Steve Whittaker is a specialist in architectural, interior and aerial photography with a focus on delivering images with controlled lighting and visual impact. Client collaboration, planning, project coordination, timing, execution and post production are all key components in his process in meeting his client’s needs.
Steve is based near Portland, Oregon and covers local, regional and national assignments. He is a native of the San Francisco Bay Area and frequently covers assignments throughout that region and the West Coast.
His academic background includes architecture, graphic design, photography and advertising. Each of those disciplines influenced his career as has his involvement with professional trade associations.
Steve’s clients include architects, interior designers, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS), real estate developers, advertising agencies, graphic designers, hospitality, manufacturers and corporate direct.
His images have appeared in various books, publications such as Architectural Digest, Architectural Record, Forbes, Time, The Robb Report, Contract, many more.
Seminars and Workshops: “The Business of Corporate and Architectural Photography”
Professional Association Affiliations (Past and Present):
ASMP – Life Member -American Society of Media Photographers:
ASMP Oregon Board Member 2016-current
ASMP National Director: 2013-2016 2nd Term
ASMP National Director: 2009 - 2013 1st Term
ASMP Northern California Chapter (Interim) Co-President, 2005
ASMP Northern California Chapter Co-President, 1999 – 2001
Currently a member of OPPA
Previous Affiliations:
Professional Photographers of America
Peninsula Advertising Photographers Association
Professional Photographers of the Greater Bay Area
Society of Industrial Photographers